Members – Meet our committee members

Introducing The Militias of Anglia committee members

Introducions coming soon!

Steve Hansen

After many years in re-enactment ( I started over 30 years ago on and off). I wanted to do something different for the re-enactment community and our world. It all pivoted around skills and education.

Born pre pandemic The Militias of Anglia is a not for profit organisation specialising in complementing any 17 th Century Re-enactment or Living History display event. We started with 9 interested souks conducting drill exercises on a Heath with the intention of delivering trained men to the battlefield.

The Militias of Anglia is dedicated to creating historical experiences that engage, educate, entertain, empower and enrich. Working with schools, museums within the East Anglia Region and event/festival organisers and other re-enactment societies across the UK

Mission Statement
The aim of the Organisation is to promote the History of the 17 th century in young people, communities and centres of learning, helping them in achieving their educational as well as intellectual, social and spiritual potential, as individuals, learning skills and crafts and absorbing knowledge delivered through play and example aiding and adding to the development into responsible students and citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.
Core values
• Discovery: Explore and bring to light new knowledge and ideas, and better ways of doing business.
• Creativity: Instil our work with imagination and innovation.
• Excellence: Deliver the highest-quality service and services in all endeavours.
• Diversity: Capitalize on the richness inherent in differences
• Integrity: Carry out all our work with the greatest responsibility and accountability.
• Service: Be of benefit to the Community, our Education system, to the public and our
Members Delivered with transparency, honesty and for the benefit of all through continuous learning, constant improvement, and a commitment to our values.

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